Our Favourite Fantasy Miniature Creators!

Playing OPR, Warsurge, Old World or the 9th Age?
How about playing on a budget?
3D Printed miniatures have come a long way in a short time from a cool gimmick to revolutionalising miniature manufacturing.
This short blog lists our favourite creators for the grim fantasy setting and why. You can also find their awesome work for sale right here at OzWargaming for physical prints!
Highlands Miniatures - Definitely the first and last word in quality and suitability. Their art and design is easily recognisable and familiar to another industry leader in plastic models, yet they have their own spin on things that just sits right. They currently have fresh ranges of Orcs, Goblins, Undead, Chivalric Knights and now High Elves are nearing range completion.
White Angel Miniatures - Newer and less well known but their quality is right up there. White Angel takes a few more artistic liberties with their proxies that made me fall in love with them (lion cavalry high elves!) Still familiar in feel to what you can buy on the plastic market to boot! Their range covers High Elves, Dark Elves, Evil Dwarfs, Dwarfs and Forest Elves.
If Rank and File is your jam, check out what we offer from these amazing creators and maybe start a new army or 4!