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A note about Scales

We Decided it would be most suitable to list our products in their scale to help gamers find what they need. For some examples on what each scale is you can see below the most popular Wargames that use those scales, to get an idea on how big you could expect these miniatures to be.

6mm Mecha Warriors - Battletech, Alpha Strike, Mecha Hex
10mm Fantasy - Warmaster Revolution, Original Warmaster
15mm WW2 - Flames of War, Battlegroup
25mm Fantasy Skirmish - Middle Earth SBG, Ancients SBG (Fanmade)
28mm Fantasy - 9th Age, OPR Age of Fantasy(Regiments), Warhammer Fantasy Battles (Old World).
28mm WW2 - Bolt Action
32mm Fantasy - OPR Age of Fantasy, Warhammer Age of Sigmar
32mm Grimdark - OPR Grimdark Future, Warhammer 40k

The games above are a great way to get started in Miniature Wargaming, additionally our products are fully compatible with those game system scales, however some rulesets have strict rules on models used in Officially Sanctioned Events, so please check this first with the relevant game system competitive rules before rocking up with that sweet custom army that may never see play.

OzWargaming does not sell officially licenced products for any of the above game systems. We have chosen our designers carefully to avoid any IP Infringements and are fully intended to be supplimentary, conversion elements or used in a casual or non sanctioned events. Some rule systems are known to be miniature agnostic (Yay!) and some are very strict about using only their models (Boo!).